Title 1
Title 1 is a federally funded program in all of our elementary schools in the Post Falls School District. Funding for this program is based on the percentage of students attending each school who qualify for free or reduced lunches. Title 1 provides reading and math support for students who are performing below grade level according to District and/or State benchmarks. Our goal is to help every child become successful in reading and math by providing lessons to reinforce reading/math strategies. Each child's progress is closely monitored to ensure instruction is meeting his/her needs. Students are expected to complete all assigned work and practice these strategies at home each day.
Parents are a vital link for success in school. We encourage parents to build strong parent/school relationship through effective communication, attending school conferences, and assisting at home to develop good study habits. We ask parents to contact their child's teacher(s) with any questions about progress.
For more information regarding our Title 1 program please contact:
Jessica Scott
Here's a link to our policy on Title One: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1kWdyWkWa5FVfW8Hdi15u-r9uQgh859aI/view
Title 1 Annual Meeting Friday December 13, 2024 11 AM Cafeteria
Title ANNUAL Review May 16, 2025 11 AM Cafeteria